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Change in the definition of structure and building in tax law

19 November 2024

The draft law on amending the Law on Agricultural Tax, the Law on Local Taxes and Fees, and the Law on Stamp Duty primarily provides for amending the definition of a structure and a building for the purposes of tax law. As of the date of this note, i.e., November 19, 2024, the draft is pending its second reading at the Parliament. The planned effective date of the new regulations is January 1, 2025, because in accordance with the Constitutional Tribunal’s Judgment of July 4, 2023 ref. SK 14/21 (Journal of Laws, item 1313), Article 1a para. 1 pt. 2 of the Act on Local Taxes and Fees of January 12, 1991 (i.e., Journal of Laws of 2023, item 70, as amended) i.e., the regulation containing the definition of a structure, shall expire on January 11, 2025.

However, it should be kept in mind that since the draft amendment is still at a fairly early legislative stage, its effective date being January 1, 2025 remains doubtful.

The main thrust of the draft is to eliminate direct references in definitions to the construction law and to introduce definitions of an autonomous nature in the Local Taxes and Fees Law.

The following information is essentially limited to the changes that will occur to the definition of a building and structure on tax grounds if the draft amendment is adopted in its current form, and does not cover all the changes introduced by the amendment in question.




  1. Change in the definition of a building

Resignation of reference to the regulations of the construction law. The proposed autonomous definition of a building includes elements that, in the current state of the law, under the Local Taxes and Fees Law and the Construction Law, determine the qualification of an object as a building, and adds the requirement of “erected as a result of construction works ‘ instead of ’erected with the use of construction products,” which is intended to eliminate interpretation disputes due to the lack of a definition of “construction products” in both the tax and construction laws.


  1. Amend the definition of structures

Giving up the reference to regulations of the Construction Law. In the proposed autonomous definition of a structure, first of all, the catalog of objects that are structures and the catalog of construction equipment indicated in the Construction Law were moved to Appendix 4, which is a catalog of structures. This change is aimed at eliminating doubts about the taxation as a structure of technical devices not explicitly mentioned in the Construction Law, which provide for the use of a structure that is a building or a structure in the tax sense.


  1. To regulate the taxation of complex and heterogeneous objects (in principle, no changes, but mainly to regulate explicitly the hitherto doubtful issues) and to include in the catalog of structures, certain objects that are currently explicitly listed in the Construction Law as construction equipment.

In the case of objects that, due to their construction, can be considered complex objects, consisting of buildings and other objects, its individual elements indicated in the relevant items of the proposed Appendix 4 to the Law will be taxed as structures.

Objects located within a complex object such as bicycle sheds, roads, fences, parking bay, pedestrian walkways, parking yards, container facilities permanently attached to the ground, etc. (catalog in Appendix 4 to the Law) will qualify as structures for tax purposes. On the other hand, facilities comprising a complex object that meet the premises of the definition of a building will be taxed as buildings and will be taxed on the surface area – due to the priority of the qualification of a building taking into account the reservation contained in the definition of a building.

In addition, objects that are explicitly listed in the Construction Law as building facilities, e.g., crossings, fences, parking lots and yards for garbage cans, are indicated as structures in the appendix. In principle, this change does not affect the change in taxation, because until now the tax regulations referred to the definition of a structure and the definition of construction equipment in the Construction Law to define a structure. For example, until now a fence was a technical device under the construction law, while in tax law, based on the reference to the construction law, it was understood as a structure. The proposed amendment, by introducing an autonomous definition of a structure in the Tax Law, directly indicates that a fence is a structure within the meaning of the Tax Law.


  1. Qualification of certain objects to the category of structures, e.g. silos which in the current state of the law simultaneously meet the prerequisites for being a building

Change introduced in the definition of a building by excluding from the definition of a building “an object in which bulk materials, materials occurring in pieces, or materials in liquid or gaseous form are or may be accumulated, the basic technical parameter of which determining its purpose is its capacity.” This solution is intended to eliminate doubts related to the qualification, for the purposes of the Law on Local Taxes and Fees, of objects meeting the statutory criteria of a building and at the same time currently classified as structures under the Law on Construction, i.e. objects of the following types: tanks, silos, elevators or other tanks of a similar economic nature


  1. Clarification of taxation of structures located in a building

In the explanatory note to the draft amendment under discussion, the legislator clarified – due to interpretation disputes – that the Law on Local Taxes and Fees provides for the taxation of various taxable objects occupying a common space. Thus, structures or parts thereof are now also subject to taxation when they are located inside a building. The placement of a structure or part thereof in a building does not mean that only the building is subject to taxation, to the exclusion of the object inside it. If a structure or a part thereof that is not an integral part of the building is located in the building, it constitutes a taxable object separate from the building. The amendment maintains this legal status.



  1. Postponement of the deadline for filing the declaration

The possibility of filing the property tax declaration for the year 2025 by March 31, 2025, after meeting the relevant prerequisite including, among other things, submitting a written notice to exercise this right by January 31, 2025.


2 Change in tax rate for garages in residential buildings

The amendment introduces a change in the rate for garages in residential buildings, because according to the draft, a room for storing vehicles in a residential building is also considered a residential part of the building, which means that a garage in a residential building is to be taxed at the rate for residential buildings.




Art. 1a par. 1 pt. 1) of the Law on Local Taxes and Fees

building – a building object within the meaning of the construction law, which is permanently connected with the ground, separated from the space by means of building partitions, and has foundations and a roof;

Art. 3 par. 2) of the Construction Law

construction object – it should be understood as a building, a structure or a small architectural object, including installations ensuring that the object can be used for its intended purpose, erected with the use of construction products;

building – shall be understood as such a construction object which is permanently connected to the ground, separated from the space by means of building partitions and has a foundation and roof;


Art. 1a sec. 1 item. 2) of the Law on Local Taxes and Fees

2) structure – a construction object within the meaning of the construction law which is not a building or a small architecture object, as well as a construction device within the meaning of the construction law related to a construction object, which ensures the possibility of using the object in accordance with its purpose;

Article 3 sec. 2) and sec. 9) of the Construction Law

2) building object – it should be understood as a building, structure or small architecture object, together with installations ensuring the possibility of its use

9) construction equipment – shall be understood as technical equipment related to a construction object, ensuring the possibility of using the object in accordance with its purpose, such as connections and installation equipment, including those for sewage treatment or collection, as well as passages, fences, parking lots and garbage cans;



-an object erected as a result of construction works, together with installations ensuring that it can be used for its intended purpose, permanently connected to the ground, separated from the space by building partitions and which has foundations and a roof, excluding an object in which are or may be accumulated loose materials, materials occurring in pieces, or materials in liquid or gaseous form, whose basic technical parameter determining its purpose is capacity;








(a) an object that is not a building, listed in Annex No. 4 to the Law, together with installations that ensure that it can be used for its intended purpose,

(b) wind power plant, nuclear power plant and photovoltaic power plant, agricultural biogas plant, energy storage, boiler, industrial furnace, cable car, ski lift and ski jump, in the part that is not a building – only to the extent of their construction parts,

(c) building equipment – connection and installation equipment, including for the treatment or collection of sewage and other technical equipment, directly related to the building or structure referred to in letters a and b, necessary for their use in accordance with their intended purpose,

(d) technical device other than those mentioned in letters a-c – only to the extent of its building parts,

(e) foundations for machinery and for technical equipment, as technically separate parts of objects that make up a functional whole

erected as a result of construction works, including when they are part of an object not listed in the Law;




In addition, it is proposed to add the following definitions in order to avoid doubts about taxability or non-taxability:

2a) construction object – a building or structure, excluding mine workings, as well as small objects constituting:

(a) objects of religious worship – in particular, shrines, wayside crosses and statues,

  1. b) objects of garden architecture – in particular, statues and garden figures, water features, bridges and pergolas, brick barbecues, ponds,
  2. c) utilitarian objects for daily recreation and maintenance of order – in particular, garbage cans, shelters for baby carriages and bicycles, and objects providing equipment for children’s playgrounds;

2b) construction works – works involving construction, reconstruction, expansion, superstructure, reconstruction or assembly, to which the provisions of the Act of July 7, 1994 apply. – Construction Law (Journal of Laws of 2024, item 725, 834 and 1222).

2c) permanently connected to the ground – such a connection of a construction object with the ground, which provides the object with stability and the ability to counteract external factors independent of human action, which may destroy, cause displacement or move the object to another place;



Item nr Object
1. An outdoor sports facility other than those listed in item 2.
2. The stadium slab, the tunnel for players, the stands – included in the stadium
3. amphitheater
4. Raw water tank, process hall, treated water retention tank, rinse water clarifier – included in the water treatment station
5. sewage disposal station, catchment station, treated wastewater pumping station, primary settling tank, secondary settling tank, biological reactor, aerobic chamber, separation chamber, hypoxic chamber, anaerobic chamber, gravity thickener, sludge dewatering installation, degassing installation, excessive sludge thickening station, acetic acid dosing station, filtrate liquid equalization tank, pumping station for recirculated and excessive sludge, pre-denitrification chamber – included in the wastewater treatment plant
6. an object in which bulk materials, materials occurring in pieces, or materials in liquid or gaseous form are or can be accumulated, whose basic technical parameter determining its purpose is its capacity, other than those listed in item 4 and item 5.
7. protection facility
8. Above-ground and underground pedestrian crossing, pedestrian route
9. hydro-engineering facility: dam, sill, water stage, weir, embankment sluice, siphon, floodgate, canal, navigable sluice, bank girt, bank spur, non-earth drainage ditch, water discharge facility, sewage discharge facility, groundwater intake enclosure
10. container facility permanently connected to the ground
11. A shed, excluding the sheds listed in article 1a sec. 1 item 2a letter C [utilitarian facilities for daily recreation and upkeep- in particular, garbage cans, shelters for baby carriages and bicycles, and facilities that are equipment for children’s playgrounds].
12. pole foundation for cable line, foundation, support structure, free-standing antenna mast, free-standing tower, telecommunications cabinet, telecommunications pole – included in the telecommunications network
13. occurring independently or as part of a network of objects, whose characteristic parameter is length:

(a) water pipeline, gas pipeline, heat pipeline and other pipeline,

b) electric power traction, electric power line,

c) underground wire line, placed directly in the ground or aboveground, excluding telecommunications cords proved to an already existing aboveground wire line,

(d) cable duct, excluding cables installed in it,

(e) process duct, excluding cables installed in it,

(f) conduit other than those listed in the annex

– including wires, foundation, pole foundation and support structure, if they have them

14. marina, artificial island, harbor basin, dock, breakwater, wharf, pier, jetty, deck, slipway, mooring pile, beacon
15. Runway, taxiway, airport apron, parking area, maneuvering area – located in the areas of airports and airstrip
16. Road; entrance, exit from the road, parking bay
17. Railroad road, i.e. railroad tracks, including turnouts and track junctions, the rails, grooved rails, steering wheels, fenders, guideways, switches, crossovers and other elements of turnouts, sleepers and attachments, minor elements of the railroad surface, ballast including gravel and sand, together with the elements listed in items 2-11 of Appendix No. 1 to the Railroad Transport Law of March 28, 2003
18. bridge, overpass, flyover, culvert, crossing
19. sea water intake, inland water intake
20. retaining structure, support structure other than those listed in the appendix
21. tunnel 
22. fence
23. waste disposal site
24. Parking lot located outside the building, parking area, storage area, dumpster area, driveway, roofing
25. free-standing: tower, mast, outdoor lighting and free-standing permanently attached to the ground: industrial installation other than those listed in the annex, billboard, advertising device
26. free-standing chimney, cooling tower
27. truck scale, rail scale
28. marquee cover, pneumatic cover, shooting range, street kiosk, street vendor pavilion, exhibition pavilion – permanently connected to the ground



Karolina Panek

Trainee attorney-at-law

Karolina Panek

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