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ArticleReal estate and building investmentsBusiness legal services
Change in the definition of structure and building in tax law
The draft law on amending the Law on Agricultural Tax, the Law on Local Taxes and Fees, and the Law on Stamp Duty primar...
ArticleBusiness legal servicesCorporate law
A contract concluded by the company with the spouse of a board member without the consent of the general meeting is invalid
Does a conclusion of a surety agreement between the company and the spouse of a member of the company's management board...
ArticleBusiness legal servicesLegal and administrative proceedings. Arbitration and mediation
Can a legal person claim compensation for a negative opinion posted on the Internet?
Can a legal person claim compensation from an natural person for a negative opinion posted on the Internet? The Supreme ...
ArticleBusiness legal services
Changes in employee leave in connection with the implementation of the Work Life Balance Directive
On 26 April 2023, the act of 9 March 2023 amending the law - Labour Code and certain other acts, which implements Direct...
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