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Lawyers strengthened by experience and knowledge.

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Wiesław Łatała

Attorney-at-law, Managing Partner

Wiesław Łatała

Katarzyna Zajas-Aydogan

Attorney-at-law, Partner

Katarzyna Zajas-Aydogan
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Change in the definition of structure and building in tax law

The draft law on amending the Law on Agricultural Tax, the Law on Local Taxes and Fees, and the Law on Stamp Duty primar...

Change in the definition of structure and building in tax law

“Financial Supervision Commission wants to reduce conflict of interest in issue closures”, Parkiet Gazeta Giełdy i Inwestorów

We encourage you to read a column in Gazeta Giełdy i Inwestorów "Parkiet" in which Managing Partner at FORTON Legal mec....

“Financial Supervision Commission wants to reduce conflict of interest in issue closures”, Parkiet Gazeta Giełdy i Inwestorów

It all begins with a conversation:


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